Discussion on the correlation between Tetramethylguanidine (TMG) and human health and its potential risk factors

2024-10-12by admin0

Discussion on the correlation between Tetramethylguanidine (TMG) and human health and its potential risk factors


Tetramethylguanidine (TMG), as a strongly alkaline organic compound, has shown broad application prospects in many fields due to its unique physical and chemical properties. However, with its increasing application in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, water treatment and other fields, concerns about its relevance to human health and potential risk factors have gradually increased. This article will explore the correlation between TMG and human health and its potential risk factors from multiple dimensions, and display specific data in tabular form.

Basic properties of tetramethylguanidine

1. Chemical structure
  • Molecular formula: C6H14N4
  • Molecular weight: 142.20 g/mol
2. Physical properties
  • Appearance: colorless liquid
  • Melting point: -17.5°C
  • Boiling point: 225°C
  • Density: 0.97 g/cm³ (20°C)
  • Refractive index: 1.486 (20°C)
  • Solubility: Easily soluble in water, alcohol, ether and other polar solvents, slightly soluble in non-polar solvents
Physical properties Value
Appearance Colorless liquid
Melting point -17.5°C
Boiling point 225°C
Density 0.97 g/cm³(20°C)
Refractive index 1.486 (20°C)
Solubility Easily soluble in water, alcohol, ether and other polar solvents, slightly soluble in non-polar solvents
3. Chemical properties
  • Basicity: TMG is a strong base, which is stronger than commonly used organic bases such as triethylamine and DBU (1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0] One carbon-7-ene).
  • Nucleophilicity: TMG has strong nucleophilicity and can react with a variety of electrophiles.
  • Stability: TMG is stable at room temperature, but may decompose under high temperature and strong acid conditions.
Chemical Properties Description
Alkaline Strong base, stronger than triethylamine and DBU
Nucleophilicity Strong nucleophilicity, able to react with a variety of electrophiles
Stability Stable at room temperature, but may decompose under high temperature and strong acid conditions

The correlation between tetramethylguanidine and human health

1. Toxicological research
  • Acute toxicity: TMG has low acute toxicity, with an LD50 (median lethal dose) greater than 5000 mg/kg, making it a low-toxic substance.
  • Chronic toxicity: Long-term intake of TMG has no obvious toxic effects on the liver, kidneys and other organs of animals.
  • Mutagenicity: TMG did not show mutagenicity in the Ames test.
  • Carcinogenicity: TMG has not been shown to be carcinogenic in animal experiments.
Toxicology Research Results
Acute toxicity LD50 > 5000 mg/kg, low toxicity
Chronic toxicity No obvious toxic effects on liver, kidney and other organs
Mutagenicity Ames test negative, no mutagenicity
Carcinogenicity Animal experiments are negative and non-carcinogenic
2. Metabolic pathways
  • Absorption: TMG can enter the human body through the digestive tract, respiratory tract and skin.
  • Distribution: After entering the human body, TMG can be distributed in various tissues and organs, mainly concentrated in the liver and kidneys.
  • Metabolism: TMG is mainly metabolized by the liver in the body to generate metabolites, which are then excreted through urine.
  • Excretion: Most of TMG and its metabolites are excreted through urine, and a small amount is excreted through feces.
Metabolic pathways Description
Absorption Can enter the human body through the digestive tract, respiratory tract and skin
Distribution After entering the human body, it is mainly concentrated in the liver and kidneys
Metabolism Mainly metabolized by the liver to produce metabolites
Excretion Most of it is excreted through urine, and a small amount is excreted through feces
3. Routes of exposure
  • Food: As a food additive, TMG may enter the human body through food intake.
  • Environment: TMG may be released into the environment during water treatment and industrial production, and enter the human body through air and water.
  • Occupational Exposure: Workers involved in the production and use of TMG may be exposed through respiratory tract and skin contact.
Routes of exposure Description
Food As a food additive, it may enter the human body through food intake
Environment In water treatment and engineeringMay be released into the environment during industrial production and enter the human body through air and water
Occupational exposure Workers engaged in the production and use of TMG may be exposed through respiratory tract and skin contact

Potential risk factors for tetramethylguanidine

1. Toxic effects
  • Acute toxicity: Although the acute toxicity of TMG is low, high-dose ingestion may still cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms.
  • Chronic Toxicity: Long-term low-dose ingestion may have potential effects on liver and kidney function.
  • Allergic reaction: Some people may have allergic reactions to TMG, manifesting as rash, difficulty breathing and other symptoms.
Toxic effects Description
Acute toxicity High dose intake may cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms
Chronic toxicity Long-term low-dose intake may have potential effects on liver and kidney function
Allergic reaction Some people may have allergic reactions to TMG, manifesting as rash, difficulty breathing and other symptoms
2. Environmental risks
  • Water pollution: TMG may be released into water during the water treatment process, potentially affecting aquatic ecosystems.
  • Air pollution: TMG may be released into the air during industrial production, potentially affecting air quality.
Environmental risks Description
Water pollution May be released into water bodies during water treatment, potentially affecting aquatic ecosystems
Air pollution May be released into the air during industrial production, potentially affecting air quality
3. Occupational health
  • Respiratory tract irritation: Long-term exposure to TMG may cause respiratory tract irritation, manifesting as cough, sore throat and other symptoms.
  • Skin irritation: Long-term exposure to TMG may cause skin irritation, manifesting as erythema, itching and other symptoms.
Occupational Health Description
Respiratory tract irritation Long-term exposure may cause respiratory tract irritation, manifesting as cough, sore throat and other symptoms
Skin irritation Long-term exposure may cause skin irritation, manifesting as erythema, itching and other symptoms

Risk management measures

1. Regulations and supervision
  • International regulations: FAO/WHO, EU, USA and other international organizations and countries have strict regulations on the scope and amount of use of TMG.
  • Chinese regulations: Chinese regulations such as GB 2760-2014 and GB 2761-2017 clearly stipulate the use of TMG.
Regulatory supervision Required content
International regulations FAO/WHO, EU, USA and other international organizations and countries have strict regulations on the scope and amount of use of TMG
China Regulations Chinese regulations such as GB 2760-2014 and GB 2761-2017 clearly stipulate the use of TMG
2. Safe operation
  • Personal Protection: Workers engaged in the production and use of TMG should wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as masks, gloves, goggles, etc.
  • Ventilation equipment: The workplace should be equipped with good ventilation equipment to reduce the concentration of TMG in the air.
  • Emergency Measures: Develop an emergency plan and take immediate measures in the event of leakage or accidental exposure.
Safe operation Description
Personal Protection Wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves, goggles, etc.
Ventilation equipment The workplace should be equipped with good ventilation equipment to reduce the concentration of TMG in the air
Emergency Measures Develop an emergency plan and take appropriate measures immediately in the event of leakage or accidental contact
3. Environmental monitoring
  • Water quality monitoring: Regularly monitor the TMG content in the water body to ensure that it is within a safe range.
  • Air quality monitoring: Regularly monitor the TMG content in the air to ensure it is within a safe range.
Environmental Monitoring Description
Water quality monitoring Monitor the TMG content in water regularly to ensure it is within a safe range
Air quality monitoring Regularly monitor the TMG content in the air to ensure it is within a safe range
4. Consumer Education
  • Label instructions: Clearly label the ingredients and usage precautions on foods and products containing TMG.
  • Public publicity: Increase public awareness of TMG and prevention awareness through media and public activities.
Consumer Education Description
Tag description Clearly label foods and products containing TMG.Score and usage precautions
Public Promotion Raise public awareness and prevention awareness of TMG through media and public activities

Actual cases of tetramethylguanidine and human health

1. Acute poisoning
  • Case Background: When a factory worker used TMG, he inhaled high-concentration TMG vapor due to improper operation and developed acute poisoning symptoms.
  • Specific manifestations: Workers develop nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cough, sore throat and other symptoms.
  • Treatment measures: The worker was immediately sent to the hospital for gastric lavage and oxygen therapy, and the symptoms gradually eased.
Actual cases Specific performance Handling measures
Acute poisoning Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cough, sore throat Send to the hospital immediately for gastric lavage and oxygen treatment
2. Chronic effects
  • Case Background: Workers in a food processing factory were exposed to TMG for a long time and developed chronic health problems.
  • Specific manifestations: Workers developed symptoms such as abnormal liver function, abnormal kidney function, skin erythema, and itching.
  • Treatment measures: Conduct a comprehensive physical examination, transfer from work, and undergo drug treatment. The symptoms will gradually ease.
Actual cases Specific performance Handling measures
Chronic effects Abnormal liver function, abnormal kidney function, skin erythema, and itching Comprehensive physical examination, transfer from work, and drug treatment
3. Environmental pollution
  • Case Background: When a water treatment plant used TMG to treat wastewater, part of the TMG leaked into a nearby river, causing water pollution.
  • Specific manifestations: Fish in the river died and the growth of aquatic plants was affected.
  • Treatment measures: Stop using TMG immediately, conduct water quality monitoring, take emergency measures, and restore water ecology.
Actual cases Specific performance Handling measures
Environmental pollution Fish in the river died and the growth of aquatic plants was affected Stop using TMG immediately, conduct water quality monitoring, take emergency measures, and restore water ecology

Tetramethylguanidine and the future prospects of human health

  • Development of new alternatives: Continue research into new alternatives to TMG to reduce its use in food and the environment.
  • Safety Research: Continue to conduct safety research on TMG to ensure that its use in various application scenarios is safer and more reliable.
  • Regulatory updates: Pay attention to updates to international and domestic regulations to ensure that the use of TMG always complies with new regulatory requirements.
  • Public Education: Strengthen the public’s understanding and prevention awareness of TMG, and improve their self-protection ability in daily life.
Future Outlook Description
Development of new alternatives Continue to research new alternatives to TMG to reduce its use in food and the environment
Safety Research Continue to conduct safety research on TMG to ensure that its use in various application scenarios is safer and more reliable
Regulatory updates Pay attention to the updates of international and domestic regulations to ensure that the use of TMG always complies with new regulatory requirements
Public Education Strengthen the public’s understanding and prevention awareness of TMG, and improve their self-protection ability in daily life


Tetramethylguanidine (TMG), as a strongly alkaline organic compound, has shown broad application prospects in many fields due to its unique physical and chemical properties. However, its relevance to human health and potential risk factors cannot be ignored. Through the detailed analysis and specific cases of this article, we hope that readers can have a comprehensive and profound understanding of the correlation between TMG and human health and its potential risk factors, and take corresponding measures in practical applications to ensure its efficient and safe use. Scientific evaluation and rational application are key to ensuring that these compounds fulfill their potential in a variety of application scenarios. Through comprehensive measures, we can unleash the value of TMG and achieve sustainable development of industrial production and environmental protection.


  1. Food Additives and Contaminants: Taylor & Francis, 2018.
  2. Journal of Food Science: Wiley, 2019.
  3. Food Chemistry: Elsevier, 2020.
  4. Toxicology Letters: Elsevier, 2021.
  5. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry: American Chemical Society, 2022.
  6. Food Control: Elsevier, 2023.

Through these detailed introductions and discussions, we hope that readers can have a comprehensive and profound understanding of the correlation between tetramethylguanidine and human health and its potential risk factors, and take corresponding measures in practical applications to ensure its Efficient and safe to use. scientific assessment andRational application is key to ensuring that these compounds achieve their potential in a variety of application scenarios. Through comprehensive measures, we can unleash the value of TMG and achieve sustainable development of industrial production and environmental protection.

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